How to Install Blog on a Server Script and Hostingan Own Domain

My previous post about how to protect your website from virus attacks, today I explain how to install a blog script. Want to have a blog? there are many free blog providers like blogspot or wordpress, posting the day I will explain how to install WordPress on a server script and hostingan own domain, there are two ways:

If you have hostingan Fantastico features in cpanelnya, live iconnya click and script installed directly on the server with several sets of standards.

Second, if it does not provide features servermu Fantastico, the WordPress script can be downloaded from and then after extracting files, stored on your hard drive filesnya. (Step 1)

Step 2, then create a database and users with a way:
  • Login to cpanel hostingan, click the menu Mysql
  • Create a new database on the option "Create New Database", for example, given the "wordpressblog", click the "create".
  • If no user data to be used as a user in wordpress blog, create a new user name by clicking the option "Add New User" and create paswordnya for the user.
In the section "Add the following privileges to the database", Setting Global Privileges for the username and database by checking the option "All", so that users can tersebu t have access to all the changes in managing the database.
  • Click GO
Note To field is usually the server name use "localhost"

Step 3, then locate the file wp-config-sample.php in WP from script and rename this (renamed) into wp-config.php, open the file with a text editor and edit the code like this:

DB_USER and DB_PASSWORD is a username and password created above was
DB_HOST usually filled with localhost, but can also vary depending on a given server hosting. Click Save File afterward.

Step 4, upload all the files have been extracted from hostingan to the server using FTP Client, can be placed in the root directory (URL access to or in the subdirectory (URL / blogs /)

Step 5, Run Install Script
  • the web broser, write /install.php
  • The field will appear like this:
  • Install WP
  • Fill the column with the weblog title and email use.
  • then there are some guidelines that must be filled


# To go to the admin panel, through
# Fill in with the username in the password that was created earlier didatabase.