My previous post on how to how to create database in hosting , today I will give an explanation how to prevent viruses on the website.
Lately quite a lot of websites that display changes, errors, and displays the login page to the bank, ebay, paypal (phishing) due to a virus that infects a computer smart enough.
When you visit an infected site, your PC is infected. Your computer may be infected to communicate with other computers. Spyware thereby disable FTP access, send the information to the Internet. Your username password and then used to hack your own site by adding the script to your web files. Your site later became the site of malware and malware spreading further. It may even diblacklist by Google and other sites.
The incident most often occurs when you visit porn sites, advertisements, warez, and others are dangerous. The most frequent cafes where virus.
In this article discussed how to secure websites from virus attacks which alter the look of websites, upload bank pages, send spam, phishing and more.
All events caused from windows users who are not careful in playing on the internet:
The steps that need to be considered to secure your websites from the virus:
1. Clear cache and cookies from your browser.
Each finished using the Internet, do the deletion of information browsing in the browser, can be done following steps:
Firefox: Tools - Clear private data
Internet Explorer: Tools - Options - Clear caches, clear cookies, clear offline data
2. Replace all forms of good user password cpanel, email, ftp, etc..
Piracy user and password information in your computer by a virus will cause this information is spread from computer to computer. Of the computers that are already infected will do login and upload new data to the server your websites. To overcome this done quickly replacing the password-password above.
3. To email software, replace Outlook / Outlook express to Thunderbird.
Outlook has since used the windows are known as the storehouse of the virus.
Without realizing it, the virus infected Outlook to send spam emails to Internet users using SMTP server facilities and addressbook. For security, you should immediately switch to thunderbird. can be downloaded at
4. For CMS user joomla
Avoid using components and modules that upload files like gallery.
Joomla component expose at least secure because it often is used for uploading the page bank, paypal, etc.
Add security to user Registration, contact form with captcha, guestbooks, etc.
5. Contact-us form or email sending form.
Add a captcha security code in this form. captcha is a security code is an image that must be entered each time to submit.
Captcha will perform authentic whether to submit a human or machine.
6. Antivirus updates to the latest database.
Antivirus does not guarantee the virus can be detected and eliminated. Diligently doing enough to help ward off updates of new virus.
Recommended for use kaspersky antivirus can be downloaded at
7. Upgrade your web script periodically.
For you who do the installation script / software like joomla, wordpress etc through fantastico in cpanel, fantastico immediately upgrade from, your script will be automatically upgraded to the new version.
To you who installed manually (not from fantastico), you should download / download from the official site, and do the upgrade according to the instructions from where you download.
Upgrade will help eliminate security bugs, but not entirely able to close the security weaknesses of the script used.
8. Avoid using public computers such as internet cafe to log into the server.
Computers are used together, are most at risk from data security of your data.
Results with the user login and password that has very likely saved and used for purposes that are not expected.
Sometimes there are users who menjahili kompter cafe by placing software to track each user typing a password.
9. BackUp!
Perform backup your database of websites and regularly. backup activities help restore web pages and data that has been attacked by a virus. Make a backup of your upload if you have been attacked websites like this virus.
Lately quite a lot of websites that display changes, errors, and displays the login page to the bank, ebay, paypal (phishing) due to a virus that infects a computer smart enough.
When you visit an infected site, your PC is infected. Your computer may be infected to communicate with other computers. Spyware thereby disable FTP access, send the information to the Internet. Your username password and then used to hack your own site by adding the script to your web files. Your site later became the site of malware and malware spreading further. It may even diblacklist by Google and other sites.
The incident most often occurs when you visit porn sites, advertisements, warez, and others are dangerous. The most frequent cafes where virus.
In this article discussed how to secure websites from virus attacks which alter the look of websites, upload bank pages, send spam, phishing and more.
All events caused from windows users who are not careful in playing on the internet:
The steps that need to be considered to secure your websites from the virus:
1. Clear cache and cookies from your browser.
Each finished using the Internet, do the deletion of information browsing in the browser, can be done following steps:
Firefox: Tools - Clear private data
Internet Explorer: Tools - Options - Clear caches, clear cookies, clear offline data
2. Replace all forms of good user password cpanel, email, ftp, etc..
Piracy user and password information in your computer by a virus will cause this information is spread from computer to computer. Of the computers that are already infected will do login and upload new data to the server your websites. To overcome this done quickly replacing the password-password above.
3. To email software, replace Outlook / Outlook express to Thunderbird.
Outlook has since used the windows are known as the storehouse of the virus.
Without realizing it, the virus infected Outlook to send spam emails to Internet users using SMTP server facilities and addressbook. For security, you should immediately switch to thunderbird. can be downloaded at
4. For CMS user joomla
Avoid using components and modules that upload files like gallery.
Joomla component expose at least secure because it often is used for uploading the page bank, paypal, etc.
Add security to user Registration, contact form with captcha, guestbooks, etc.
5. Contact-us form or email sending form.
Add a captcha security code in this form. captcha is a security code is an image that must be entered each time to submit.
Captcha will perform authentic whether to submit a human or machine.
6. Antivirus updates to the latest database.
Antivirus does not guarantee the virus can be detected and eliminated. Diligently doing enough to help ward off updates of new virus.
Recommended for use kaspersky antivirus can be downloaded at
7. Upgrade your web script periodically.
For you who do the installation script / software like joomla, wordpress etc through fantastico in cpanel, fantastico immediately upgrade from, your script will be automatically upgraded to the new version.
To you who installed manually (not from fantastico), you should download / download from the official site, and do the upgrade according to the instructions from where you download.
Upgrade will help eliminate security bugs, but not entirely able to close the security weaknesses of the script used.
8. Avoid using public computers such as internet cafe to log into the server.
Computers are used together, are most at risk from data security of your data.
Results with the user login and password that has very likely saved and used for purposes that are not expected.
Sometimes there are users who menjahili kompter cafe by placing software to track each user typing a password.
9. BackUp!
Perform backup your database of websites and regularly. backup activities help restore web pages and data that has been attacked by a virus. Make a backup of your upload if you have been attacked websites like this virus.
When the install CMS (Content Management System) is required to make a database on the server but also direct install process, for example just wordpress where we have to create a database on the server. The following steps create a database through the Hosting Control Panel:

- Login to Cpanel Hosting ex.
- Find and click MySQL Databases icon menu, as shown:
- New database, fill in the name of thedatabase would be made and click on "Create Database"
- In the Current User, enter the name of the user name and password, then click "Create User". Remember user name and password, because the contents will be required to website database configuration.
- In the Add user to Your Databases, connect between the user and the database is just created, then click the "Add User to Database" > click "All Privileges" > click ‘Make changes’
- The new database has been made.
Windows 7 to reap praise from many in Beta and Release Candidate was released by Microsoft. Thursday, October 22, 2009, Microsoft will officially publish this latest operating system in the world, including in Indonesia.
Mention of Windows Vista in writing about Windows 7 be a strange thing. As is well known Vista was considered as Microsoft's operating system is 'less successful', then mention Vista as if to remind the lack of Vista.
But there was no denying it, Windows 7 is the successor to Windows Vista. And like Vista, 7 adopted Aero display. Of course, in Windows 7, Microsoft added a few things on the Aero.
On the surface, the display windows Aero is a 'glittering'. That is, the look of Windows is trying to replicate the look and shiny transparent glass.
But behind the 'glow' that, Aero includes behavior on windows operating system and also some functions around the user interface.
Aero Peek
If noted, the bottom right corner of Windows 7 will see a box that was almost hidden. Box 'glass' is Aero Peek.
To Aero Peek is a peek Desktop Windows without shrink (minimize) the application window that are overlapping. If the user directs the mouse pointer over the Aero Peek, the application window will change the Desktop transparent and would be visible.
Then, for what surface peek Desktop? In Windows 7 Microsoft remove the Sidebar, so that all the gadgets, if you want to use it-be installed on the surface of the Desktop. Well, Aero Peek is a quick way to peek at the gadget itself.
But do not try clicking on one of the gadget when peeked at the Aero Peek. Immediately when the mouse pointer moves out of the glass box, which was the application window will re-appear transparent.
(Note: To minimize all open applications and windows desktop surface, use the shortcut of Windows + D)
Aero Snap
If Aero Peek may not be much use, Aero Snap vice versa. detikINET assume this function is one of the most useful addition.
Its function is simple: drag (drag and drop) an application window to stick to the edge of the screen (left or right) and he will immediately change the size to fill half the screen. This is obviously useful when users need to open a two-screen applications at the same time: just drag each window to the left and right edge of the screen.
How to maximize the size of the window full screen? Simply drag the window to the edge of the screen and 'snap' of the application window will fill the screen.
(Note: shaking the application window can be used to 'drive' the application window other than being shaken. This feature is called Aero Shake)
Aero Thumbnails
Want to know what's going on in one application window without opening the window? Thumbnails Microsoft provides that will appear when the pointer is above the application icon in the Taskbar.
Display that appears in the 'small window' that will show the real condition of an application. For example, if in one of the windows were open web pages rather heavy users get a peek at what the page is fully open or not with this function.
If the mouse pointer is above the 'small window', then the application window in question would appear on the screen while the other window will become transparent.
Just like Aero Peek, if the pointer moves out of the area of the thumbnails will display back to the active window. In practice, this behavior can be annoying for users 'shocked' thought the application window is moved.
Themes-package that includes desktop display window color, image wallpapers, screensavers to sound-system was back. This time, users can share their Themes are created with ease.
One of the highlights of the Themes settings is the option to use some images as well as Wallpaper. Users can choose how long the images are rotated, ranging from 10 seconds to several hours.
The function named 'Slideshow Wallpaper' is useful for those who are often bored with the look of its desktop surface. Wallpaper changing effects even at fairly indulgent eye.
The many style 'glass' on Aero in Windows 7 was given the impression of its own. The impression will be more transparent to the user feels this operating system, as if each application window is a window made of glass (detik)