How to Get Adwords Account
There are 2 conditions that we must fulfill in order to get the adwords account

1. Email account from gmail. Gmail account will be used as a user name of our adwords account. For those who do not have to make here, gratis kok.

2. Credit Card. Yes this is a tough requirement, especially for those who do not have the status of work like me:: ny. For those who need to get a credit card might have pinjem, father, mother brother ato ato tante. Gimana kalo using VCC (Virtual Credit Card), from the experience of several friends, was by using the VCC is not allowed by google. If desperate pake VCC, ad we can not yet discovered a way for each google, klo ad caught yes we could not walk. Usually we can walk ads just a few days, before getting caught google.

Two conditions that must be fulfilled to get google adwords account. For the first study pengen gimana sih pake how adwords, do not use a credit card can also be. We can go to our adwords account, and can learn nyeting advertising and so forth, just like ads klo we walk we must have a credit card.
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