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Having Hosting at Personal Computer With XAMPP
Want to have a hosting personal computer and download the script in a variety of personal computer without having to bother spending money to buy hosting? the solution is to use a software hosting. There are many local hosting software is one of XAMPP.

XAMPP is the most comprehensive software to provide web server, consisting of PHP XAMPP, Apache, and MYSQL, which three things above are the basic components for making the website the most widely used, PHP is a popular programming language often used in making websites, and Apache as the web server, and MySQL as a database to handle the transaction website.
Before using XAMPP, as usual when using the software must be installed first, the following process:
1. Dowload software of the member's area + cracknya

2. After the download xampp, run the program xamp tsb.

Double-click or right click  Run.

Klik Ok.

Klik Next.

Klik Next.

Select Install Apache as service and Install MySQL as service, if the FileZilla FTP server to be installed as well as service selected, too. Then click Install

After the installation is complete, the following message appears:

Klik Finish,

Klik Ok.

Click Yes, if you wanted to run the XAMPP Control Panel.
XAMPP 1.6.6 installation is completed.
Display XAMPP Control Panel.

Settings on the control panel is simple enough. In this section there are sections Svc without check, it was a sign of the application service is not installed on the windows. In order for Service installed on Windows Services, click on the Svc.
To start / stop service live click on the Start / Stop.
If you want to do administration, click on the Admin button. is a web base for the Apache (web server), is mysql (database) and FileZilla (ftp server) and Mercury (SMTP mail server) based client software.
To enter the system files from xampp, click on the Explore button.
Following the administration web interface on Xampp.

If we want the control panel of xampp as a service in Windows, click on the Service button on the control panel of Xampp.

3. After the installation is complete, you can access the XAMPP control panel from the Start Menu> Programs> XAMPP XAMPP or via a shortcut on your computer desktop. Make sure the status of the Apache and MySQL already 'Running'. If the status of Apache and MySQL have not Running, click the Start button on the right of the Apache and MySQL.

4. For the initial tests, open your browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Netscape Navigator, etc.), then type in the address bar http://localhost/. If Apache is running normally, the browser will respond to your request and will display the page containing congratulations that Apache already installed or in the form of writing 'It Works'. This test is to test and indicate Apache Apache can walk normally.

5. For testing the PHP module was able to walk integrated with your Apache, in the Address Bar type http://localhost/index.php. If the PHP module has worked well with Apache, the browser will display a table view with the title phpinfo () and the contents of the specification that you are using PHP. This PHP module you must first activate if you want to use PHP scripts on your website.

6.Open your moziila/interner exploler, write The Address Bar type http://localhost/phpmyadmin/. If the MySQL database server has been running well, the browser will display the PHPMyAdmin, MySQL control panel with a web-based interface. The first time, you will directly enter into the conrol panel PHPMyAdmin with root privileges. Root is the user with full access rights to the database (on Windows, this kind of access rights known as the administrator and the day-to-day known as the Admin). It is strongly recommended you secure access to PHPMyAdmin this by giving a password to access PHPMyAdmin, especially for the root user. Also recommended, does not give full access rights to users other than root or for other security reasons, you can give full access rights on the root level as any other user, but you must secure and treat it as the root user because the access rights he has. For other users, you can provide limited access rights to another user according to your policy as an administrator.

Just note also, MySQL initially only be accessed through the MySQL prompt on the console (in Windows known as the Command Prompt). For beginners who are less familiar with the operations console and the syntax of the SQL query that is used in MySQL, PHPMyAdmin will be very helpful. For any professional database administrators, PHPMyAdmin was also greatly assist their duties, especially in systems management processes, setting user permissions, database security settings, and so forth. Now, the MySQL prompt more frequently used in the maintenance and control of crash conditions and circumstances are very minimal (or impaired network is not available monitors and disturbed systems that prompt only be accessed remotely).

7. If you've finished installing XAMPP in C:, then $ PATH_INSTALASI \ xampp \ htdocs read into C: \ xampp \ htdocs. if you have a website script can be tested using this software, before the script is installed in the actual hosting. Do I make a new folder in C: \ xampp \ htdocs and give your name at will, for example mlm. Then Put your script in the file C: \ xampp \ htdocs \ mlm.

8. Follow the instructions for how to install the script, because each script how to install it differently.

9. If you've completed the install it, open your browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Netscape Navigator, etc.), then type in the Address bar http://localhost/mlm

10. So Be your website. For editing your web site can use Dreamweafer or frontpage.
NB: If you request data Script Database then use database below. List of User and Password in XAMPP: The following list of user and password on xampp
1) For the MySQL database:
Database User: root
Password: (without the password blank alias ^_^!)

2) FileZilla FTP:
User for a client who has 2 pieces created by default
User: newuser
Password: wampp
User: anonymous

3) Mercury (Mail & POP3 Server):
3 users have the default is:
Postmaster: postmaster (postmaster @ localhost)
Administrator: Admin (admin @ localhost)
Testuser: newuser
Password: wampp

Hopefully the above explanation can add to your knowledge a bit. To get the script examples can be obtained at the member's area

BY. Bagus
Make a Google Mail

Gmail is one of the email service provided free by GOOGLE ( First issued to load the e-mail data is about 1 GB. After observing Kapanpuns proved its capacity to 6902 MB free. So you do not need to delete emails. You simply track in the search box provided. For tips on making please read the steps how to create G-mail address below ...

How to make email at :

Open your browser and go to the website of Start page will appear as the Gmail website shown in the picture below.

To get started create a new email, simply click the option you 'Sign up for Gmail' and will open the page "Create a Google Account - Gmail '. You can choose your language options to the right of "Change Language". Whenever Here's use English, you also can select the language Indonesia.

Fill box stuffing 'First name', 'Last name' and 'Desired Login Name' to this email address, you can check the availability of addresses (check availability!) That you want, whether e-mail address of your choice has some use or not (eg, whenever's use to sobatkp belom email address is used). Then enter the password and confirmation password, (for security passkey to select strong or green color to full). Security Question Enter your secondary email, Location (select Indonesia, normally this option is selected by default ', Type the characters you see on the screen in Word verification field. Next Therms of service if you want to read it please , but if you do not understand? roll it until the box down. once you are sure the data you enter is correct, please click the button I accept Create my account

If there are no errors, will appear a new page 'introduction to Gmail'. click I'm ready - show me my account on the right side make layar.

 Next, will open a new page again. This page E-mail your actual Gmail. Usually there will be a notification email from the 'Gmail Team' that your mail account is active and notification services they provide.

Congratulations, you have to have their own free email address. If There's criticism, suggestions, praise, or curse. Please write in the comments!
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